45.94% of farmers in Kalimantan Tengah are small-scale farmers - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Tengah Province

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45.94% of farmers in Kalimantan Tengah are small-scale farmers

45.94% of farmers in Kalimantan Tengah are small-scale farmers

February 14, 2025 | BPS Activities

Hello Data Friends,
Did you know, according to FAO there are at least 2 measures to determine whether an agricultural business is included in the small scale or not small scale category, namely physical size and economic size. Physical size is seen from the agricultural land managed and the livestock kept. Meanwhile, economic size is seen from the income or production value of agricultural business units during a year.

From these two measures, a threshold for the bottom 40 percent is determined which is then categorized as "Small Scale Farmers".

Complete information can be accessed at kalteng.bps.go.id
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