During November 2018, star hotel ROR rose 8.42 points to 69.57 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Tengah Province

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During November 2018, star hotel ROR rose 8.42 points to 69.57 percent.

Release Date : January 2, 2019
File Size : 0.34 MB


  • Guests staying at star hotels during November 2018 amounted to 24,660 people, consisting of 24,226 people (domestic guests) and 434 people (foreign guests). In non-star hotels there are 59,308 people, consisting of 59,284 people (domestic guests) and 24 people (foreign guests).
  • Cumulatively, the number of star hotel guests rose 15.27 percent from 217,292 (January-November 2017) to 250,469 (January-November 2018). While the number of guests in non-star hotels dropped 4.32 percent from 693,483 (January-November 2017) to 663,539 (January-November 2018).
  • Star hotel room occupancy rates rose 8.42 points from 61.15 percent (October 2018) to 69.57 percent (November 2018). Non-star hotel RORs also rose 0.94 points from 22.18 percent (October 2018) to 23.12 percent (November 2018).
  • Average length of stay (RLTM) of star hotels (1.57 days), longer than non-star hotels (1.17 days). Overall, star hotels are still a good preference for domestic and foreign guests
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