2019, the margin of trade and transportation for rice is 14.21%. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Tengah Province

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2019, the margin of trade and transportation for rice is 14.21%.

Release Date : January 4, 2021
File Size : 1.42 MB


The main patterns of trade distribution in Kalimantan Tengah:
  1. Rice: Producers Wholesalers ➜ Retailers ➜ End Consumers
  2. Red Chili: Producers ➜ Collectors Traders ➜ Wholesalers ➜ Retailers ➜ End Consumers
  3. Shallots: Outside the Province ➜ Wholesaler ➜Retailer ➜ End Consumers
  4. Pureed Chicken: Producers ➜ Retailers ➜ End Consumers
  • Rice has the lowest trade and transportation (MPP) margin among other commodities, which is 14.21 percent, which means that the increase in the price of rice from producer level to end consumer is 14.21 percent. The MPP for rice in 2019 fell 1.60 points compared to the MPP for rice in 2018 which was 15.81 percent.
  • Kalimantan Tengah's red chili pepper MPP is the highest in Indonesia with an MPP of 98.69 percent. The MPP of red chili in 2019 increased by 23.23 points compared to the MPP of red chili in 2018 which was 75.46 percent.
  • The increase in the MPP of red chili was mainly due to the addition of chains in the main pattern of trade distribution from three chains (2018) to four chains (2019).
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