Poverty Map of Regencies/Municipality of Kalimantan Tengah Province 2006-2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Tengah Province

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Poverty Map of Regencies/Municipality of Kalimantan Tengah Province 2006-2017

Catalog Number : 1304038.62
Publication Number : 62560.1907
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-5671-48-7
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : March 28, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 9.76 MB


The publication "Thematic Map of Poverty by Regency / City in Kalimantan Tengah Province 2006 - 2017" is a publication that presents poverty indicator data presented in the form of thematic maps. The data and information presented in the form of thematic maps are expected to make it easier for data users to make comparisons of poverty indicators between districts / cities throughout Kalimantan Tengah. The data source of the Poverty Indicator was obtained from the BPS routine activities, namely the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) activity that had been carried out during 2006 - 2017. There were 5 (five) indicators presented thematically in each year namely the Poor Population, Poverty Line, Percentage of Poor Population (Po), Poverty Depth Index (P1), and Poverty Severity Index (P2).
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